By Kiron Shenoy
WOW! When I read that line-it made me think many a times of the fallacy our life & the priorities we attach to trivial & mundane matters.

While it is great to tick off all the boxes of the small stuff-it is just not needed to mull, sweat and worry over it. There are bigger and important things to be taken care in life!
Whether it was the Pareto’s law or the A-B-C of activity management-we have to understand that we always have to look at the larger picture and the cost of ignoring it now. Attention to details is always needed to succeed.
Once again, I have seen many a person just run away from the main problem and let it fester rather than nipping it in the bud! They are too scared to tackle the problem lest it gives them more work & headaches. Maybe, there is more happiness in Facebook and social media forwards??
In today’s world a lot of graduates from good universities have majored from the WhatsApp university with a Doctorate in Time pass. So do give it a deep thought as to what you are “majoring “in……
We should desist and not invest our time & energy in activities in areas that give no contribution to our life or our way forward. To end, I quote Henry David Thoreau, who wrote “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root”!!
Kiron Shenoy is a happy man. He's here to share his stories. Email him at to tell him what you think.