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Team Kiron

By Kiron Shenoy


Often in my younger days, my point of contention with my father was that duty and service have to be done with love while feeling happy about it. Over the years and even until last fortnight, I was struggling with this answer.

My father passed away in 1998, and last fortnight my mother-in-law also passed away. She was active until the month before her death and lived to experience her 87th birthday! They were epitomes of service and duty, providing unflinching service and help to every loved one and being absolutely duty-bound in their roles in life.

Love would be all in action, not in words, and happiness was never expressed nor shown. For me, that was an odd way forward as I was an extrovert - laughing away all problems and living to enjoy every moment. 

On a chance meeting with a leading Psychologist he proved me wrong...

What he told me made profound sense. Happiness and love can be internal (and different for individuals) and expressed through action, duty and service. One can care for others through meaningful, physical service and action. It is an expression of love and makes the person happy to do it as a routine without tom-tomming outwardly about it.

At the same time, my expression of laughter and happiness may be a façade! That made sense as these two towering figures in my life taught me so many things moving forward. The deep desire to help and be of service to others is a rare quality while never making an issue about it. They were focused and determined in what they wanted to do and never complained about it.

While living, my father and my mother-in-law were idols to us. But after passing away, we realize the immense and humongous qualities they possessed, from which we can still learn and carry forward in the years ahead. Let us celebrate their lives while embracing all the positives from our loved ones who have moved on.

God bless my Mother in Law - Gloria and my Father - Premanand! May their soul rest in peace.


Kiron Shenoy is a happy man. He's here to share his stories. Email him at to tell him what you think.



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